Talks and presentations

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December 12, 2023

Tutorial in Text & Data Mining w. Python

November 22, 2017

Workshop, Center for Language Technology, Copenhagen


The recent explosion in digitized and digital text-media is rapidly changing the evidential basis for the humanities. While the humanities used to be the principal scientific consumers of text-based data, the majority of text analysis is now performed by ‘machines’ outside traditional humanistic domains. Text-Analytics applies automated and data-intensive techniques in order to extract useful knowledge from from large collections of linguistic data. In this PhD course, the participant will acquire experience with two major machine learning paradigms (supervised and unsupervised learning) in order to answer research questions fundamental to the humanities: can we classify texts by genres, periods and status and how do surface structures reveal latent semantic properties. The workshop consists of a series of hands-on tutorials with Python combined with useful explanations and illustrations through use-cases. Programming experience is not a requirement, but participants are should to prepare by installing Python and completing three introductory tutorials available on-line.

A Calculus of Culture

September 27, 2017

Talk, University of Southern Denmark, Dept. of History, Odense, Denmark

Tutorial in Text & Data Mining w. Python

September 20, 2017

Tutorial, Danish School of Education, Emdrup, Denmark

The recent explosion in digitized and digital text-media is rapidly changing the evidential basis for the humanities. While the humanities used to be the principal scientific consumers of text-based data, the majority of text analysis is now performed by ‘machines’ outside traditional humanistic domains. Text & Data Mining (TDM) applies machine learning in order to extract useful knowledge from from large collections of linguistic data. This workshop will showcase multiple techniques for building TDM tools based on the popular programming language Python.